Thursday, January 11, 2007

WoW Gold worth more than Cash?

Ok ok, I'll admit it... I've bought WoW gold in real life. I've bought from (a few times...) Here's the funny thing. The price fluctuates. Early on in my WoW adventure I bought 100 Gold for $15, then it went to $17, $18, $25 (Around X-Mas) and now hovers around $37!!!.

At $37 that's $0.37 per gold piece, WoW gold is worth more then printed money (in a way... Because it only costs the FED $0.04 to print US Cash) Ok, so it's not really worth more, but the point I'm making is, WoW gold is a true currency. It has value and is sellable (and buyable).

Anyways, just wanted to share that with you, cause I thought it was pretty neat.

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